
The estate is certified organic since 2011, each year we are audited by a registered authority, Ecocert, who ensures that all stages of the grape growing and winemaking comply with the strict rules of organics.

We do not use herbicides or pesticides and our dry and windy climate means we can use small doses of sulphur and copper, well below the organic limits.

Instead we aim to ensure our soils are healthy with the planting of cover crops and the autumn addition of compost. We have hedges and woods around our parcels which we control the least possible to keep the biodiversity healthy.

Since the beginning we wanted to ensure the character of each vineyard site was present in our wines, working as ecologically as possible. We converted to organic farming methods in 2009, a logical step considering we are in regularly physical contact with our plants, our children eat our grapes and we are surrounded by a unique environment that should be protected. We are conscious of the fact that the land does not belong to us, we are simply the present guardians and we have an obligation to ensure nature is preserved for future generations.